
The universe as seen through a C14 Edge HD

Collimating an SCT: the C14 magic

seeing Airy disk despite turbulence

Adjusting and maintaining a Losmandy Titan Mount

how to adjust a telescope Losmandy Titan mount and periodic error

Achieving SCT thermal equilibrium

Hard data showing Schmidt Cassegrainian Telescope cooling time and temperature profile

Star tracking with ASI662-MC camera

Startracking calibration procedure under MaximDL

A worm’s story (or star tracking on Titan mount)

Did you ever wonder how accurate was star tracking on your mount?Well, while imaging, I noticed that the autoguider tended to always correct in roughly the same direction even though I knew my polar alignment was near perfect. Strange…So, I finally decided to look into it (little did I know what can of worms, literally,…
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ASI662MC color camera

Hello, I just bought a ASI662MC new camera to replace my aging Atik 16IC guide camera. It’s amazing how quickly technology evolves. 13 years ago, when I bought my equipment, CCDs were all the rage and I purchased an Atik 11000 One Shot Color camera for imaging and an Atik 16IC for guiding. For planetary…
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